The ADVANTAGE of DISADVANTAGE by Leigh Lundin Several weeks ago, Melodie Johnson Howe recently wrote about people who dissed mysteries and thrillers. While I have heard of various genres and even fiction itself being dismissed, I realized I’ve never actually heard anyone criticize mysteries and “thrill” fiction to my face. Perhaps it’s the company I […]
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MISS MACY! by Angela Zeman Today is my granddaughter’s first birthday — and I’m missing it. In the sour tradition of “Biology is Destiny,†I had a recent back operation and am not yet allowed to travel. So out of my sore heart, I dedicate this column to her: in anticipation of all […]
HAPAX LEGOMANIA OF LOVE by Steven Steinbock Nate is now officially a high school student. When he came home on his second day of school I asked if he had any homework. He answered, “Bresheet Un, Deux, Trois.” I found this curious. His answer was half Hebrew and half French. He doesn’t take French and […]
WHO’S READING? by Deborah Elliott-Upton “I’ve never known any troubles that an hour’s reading didn’t assuage.†— Charles De Montesquieu (1689-1755) I’ve just returned from my favorite bookstore with a copy each of Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine and Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine. I’m happy to say that in both Criminal Brief is mentioned. James Lincoln […]
UNLIKELY STORY by Robert Lopresti Early this morning at the library I checked the Straight Dope to see what wisdom Cecil Adams had uncovered. You’d be surprised how often the questions readers throw at him can help with questions that pop up at the reference desk. I admit, that today’s question was an unlikely candidate […]
BROKEN WORDS by Melodie Johnson Howe I met a writer friend, best-selling thriller author Gayle Lynds, at Starbucks. We were both desperate to get out of our offices and breathe air mixed with exhaust from cars trolling for parking spaces. And as women, we were desperate to talk and talk. Did you know that talking […]
MONDAY MORNING QUARTERBACK by James Lincoln Warren September’s here, and you all know what that means, sports fans: college rivalries. Los Angeles is home to one of the most epic of these rivalries. Yes, that’s right, I’m talking about the Warren College of Liberal Arts (WCLA) Ruins versus the Warren Scientific College (WSC) Geeks. “It’s […]